Friday, October 27, 2023

Sound project


A girl comes home from school, grabs a snack and fills her water in the kitchen, falls while walking up the stairs and then lays in bed and starts to listen to music. 

For this project we were given the prompt to create a scene spanning 1-2 minutes using only sounds we either create or found online. My partner and I decided on our scene (look at project description!) and needed to figure out the specific sounds we would include to make the scene make sense without visuals. So during class we wrote our soundscape (click link to view!).

When we were creating our soundscape, we had to think about different sounds you would normally hear outside and in a suburban household. We had to stay very specific and be precise on every sound you could possibly hear as the character walks through her house. During the outside portion of the scene, we first came up with the consistent sounds you would hear while walking outside. Bird chirping and wind blowing were the main background sounds we agreed on to include in this portion of the scene. Same with the inside the house portion. We had to think of the different sounds you would hear such as the AC in the background or the television on in the background. We also had to think about how the character would exit her car and the sounds a car makes while parked and the sounds a backpack makes while being picked up and moved around. Being specific was the main struggle we had as we never realized just how many sounds there are even during a simple walking sequence. 

Once we figured out the sounds we would include, we had to find out the actual sounds. We first looked on different sound databases online and the sounds we couldn’t find we decided to create using foley. Foley was a huge obstacle we had to face as well. Figuring out what kind of sounds could create the sounds we needed was difficult. We knew to create the sound of footsteps we would just have to record our feet walking on different surfaces to achieve the sounds we wanted. Here’s a video of all the foley sounds we were able to include in our project!

When we started to edit our project, we came across another obstacle. How to actually edit in adobe premier pro. Neither one of us had any experience in this aspect so we both had to start from scratch. To learn how to use this platform, I watched multiple videos and uttorials on how to use the tools provided and actually be able to create my project. Once we got the hang of editing on the platform, editing was a pretty smooth process. Here are a couple pictures of our editing timeline and how we layered the sounds and created a fluid soundscape.

Overall, the project was an amazing experience and it allowed me to understand the effort that goes into making a soundscape for a movie. Here’s our final project. Enjoy!

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film opening

This is it, its over, this is insane. FALLEN