Tuesday, March 5, 2024

things to do before filming?

According to my calendar, this weekend will be the start of filming for this project. Wow. That’s crazy and extremely nerve racking. But, to get myself ready for that HUGE step, I figured I’d start small. What is everything I need to get done before this weekend?
- shot list
- props 
- mise-en-scene (costumes and lighting)
- determine actors
- determine setting
- fonts and title (although this isn’t necessary for before filming, I just need to get it done)

Today in class I tackled the very first thing on the list: my shot list. The shot list is, as the name suggests, a list of shots that I plan to film. It’s kinda similar to the story board, but it’s more detailed and is exactly what I want to include in each shot and how I want it to be composed. Here is what I concluded with:

Now that I have a detailed shot list, when I start filming I can simply check it off once I film the shot, which will be extremely helpful and also keeps me organized for production day. It will also be incredibly helpful for when I’m editing everything together as I will have the exact order that the shots should go in right there, making it easy to navigate and overall make the editing process that much easier. 

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film opening

This is it, its over, this is insane. FALLEN https://youtu.be/RbUtiJhuuzA