I have decided that I hate editing. Yes, I used to like it before, and don’t get me wrong it’s still really fun to do, but not when you have to push out two CCR’s in a couple of days because I just love to procrastinate. I tried to get some editing done over break, but with the craziness of my trip (I threw up and then my mom got really sick and now I have an ear infection (fun!)) I just really didn’t have that much time. I was, however, able to get a lot of the first one done once I got back.
[what the timeline looks like so far]
The most annoying part of editing everything together is not the actual editing part, but rather figuring out what I want to show instead of my face. It’s easy when I specifically reference a piece of text of film, but not so much when it’s just me talking about random things (they’re not random they do pertain to the topic, but whatever) and there isn’t really anything to show. But, to make my CCR a little more entertaining and not just a video of me talking (cause that’s boring), I have to include clips or really anything other than my face.
So, I’ve decided that during the periods where there’s just a little bit too much of me just talking to the screen, I would add in some clips from my actual film, content that kinda relates to the topic that I’m talking about so it’s not as awkward and just boring.
The title of this blog is a little misleading, I don’t hate editing, I actually quite like it and it’s really not that bad, it’s the figuring out what I actually want to edit where I struggle. But, creating these CCR’s are definitely going to help me with this weakness that I have, so I’m grateful for that (kinda).
I still have to film the second CCR (ik ik, the project is due tomorrow, I’ll be fine…hopefully) and I HAVE TO GET IT DONE TOMORROW. Right when I get home from school, I’m filming that and getting it over with so I can edit that one together. I’m going to finish editing tomorrow during study hall, well hopefully I finish, and then film after school and finish editing everything. Not too bad (it’s pretty bad).
See you tomorrow, submission day :000.
[me too spider-man, me too]
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